What is Student Support Services Division? (SSSD) 

A division within the Ministry of Education since 2004. It’s aim is to support all students to maximize their learning potential, do well at school, achieve their capabilities and develop holistically.

The Student Support Services Division is divided into four major units;

Multidisciplinary Team (MDT)

1. Guidance and counselling Unit 
2. Social Work Unit 
3. Special Education Unit 
4. Development Assessment Intervention Unit (DAIU) 

What is School Social Work?

Issues School Social Work Deal with:


The Referral Form

The Referral Form is an official legal document which gives the practitioner permission to clinically and legally intervene in the student’s life. In order to provide intervention, a referral has to be completed. The referral begins when a presenting concern is observed with a student. The Referral form should reflect on what steps were taken to rectify the issue or what was observed. If the problems continues to occur despite the school’s effort, it is then referred to SSSD.  According to the nature of the issue, which will be stated on the referral form along with supporting documents, it will be determined by the MDT to be a social work case or referred to another disciplinary.

The Referral Process: Who Refers

Self – a child may approach the SSW requesting support and intervention for any issue that may be impeding academic functioning. This applies particularly to instances of abuse  

Parent – Parents may request the intervention of the SSW for their child directly  

Media – Reports that are published in the mass media are used as a source of information that causes the SSW to begin the intervention process. 

Child line – Children can make anonymous calls to this helpline. The administrators of Child-line may subsequently request the intervention of SSW by contacting the various district offices with pertinent information to warrant further investigations 

Minister – Mandates may come from the Minister through SSSD administration for the urgent Intervention on cases deemed to be critical  

SBT – The School Base Team are: selected members of school staff who have identified challenges faced by the student and made all the necessary intervention at the school level; may complete a referral for further intervention by SSSD  

Call in/ Walk in – Information may be delivered to district offices directly to SSW Unit.  

Community Information- members of the community, community stakeholders, NPTA, PTA, may request the intervention of the SSW on issues critical incidents impacting our nation’s children, the school and by extension the community.

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Helpful Information from the Ministry of Social Development and Family Services